November 28, 2018 CRT Stakeholders and Advocates, Congress is expected to adjourn in mid-December, which means we still have time to push for passage of H.R. 3730. The bill is needed to stop inappropriate Medicare payment cuts to critical components of Complex Rehab manual wheelchairs. Last week the ITEM Coalition, a national coalition of consumer and medical professional organizations, sent a letter to Congress reiterating the need for passage of H.R. 3730 before year-end. That letter can be downloaded here and is a great document for you to share with your Representative. Targeted discussions with decision-makers are continuing and we know H.R. 3730 is being discussed on Capitol Hill this week. Now is the perfect time to reach back out to your Representative to reinforce your request that action be taken on the bill. Visit to send a follow-up email or make a quick phone call asking that your Representative speak to Committee and Party leadership to pass H.R. 3730 before they adjourn. Thanks for your continued action in the home stretch to protect access for individuals with disabilities! Regards, Don Clayback Executive Director | NCART |