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Start ReadingCMS Announces Final Coding and Payment Decisions for Power Seat Elevation
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released their final coding and payment determination for seat elevation systems. The full decision can be read here. Below are some of the highlights:
1.CMS has established one code for Complex Rehab (CRT)
2. E2298, “Complex rehabilitative power wheelchair accessory, power seat elevation system, any type
3, CMS delayed a decision on K0830 and K0831- local fee schedule amounts would be calculated by the DME MACs for use in paying claims for any covered items
4. The fee schedule amount for E2298 is $2,000.34
5, The new codes and fee schedules will be effective April 1, 2024
NCART is conducting further analysis of the decision and will have a more detailed reports to share early next week.
H.R. 5371 - Choices for Increased Mobility Act
Individuals with disabilities should have the choice to pay for a titanium or carbon fiber upgrade to their manual wheelchair.
On September 8, 2023, Rep. John Joyce introduced the Choices for Increased Mobility Act of 2023 (H.R. 5371), which would enable beneficiaries to privately pay for upgrades to their equipment by removing the current obstacles in place and offering key benefits to end users at no additional cost to CMS.
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Complex Rehab Technology:
Essential for Health.
Essential for Life.
This video provides an overview of the people, products, processes, and benefits related to the provision of CRT. This category of specialized equipment gives individuals a chance to live more fully—a right all people should have.

How does NCart protect access to CRT?
In order to ensure access, NCART works with consumers, clinicians and physicians as well as federal, state, and private policymakers to establish and protect appropriate coverage, coding, funding, and supplier standards policies.