NCART Members and Friends,
CMS did NOT announce a delay in the reclassification of certain CRT codes to the Capped Rental payment category. As a result, the reclassifications are effective for dates of service on or after April 1.
Remember that if these items are provided on a complex rehab power wheelchair they REMAIN billable as a purchase.
It's very unfortunate that CMS did not address the widespread concerns expressed by all CRT stakeholders and the more global request to create a legitimate classification policy.
Communications to CMS included over 170 public comments on the proposed rule, various meetings with CMS officials and a variety of consumer groups, and a formal request for a delay from Congress. The CMS response has basically been they appreciated hearing of the concerns and will "monitor the situation for any access problems".
Since a delay (and subsequent removal of CRT codes) did not happen we will be working with our CRT legislation sponsors to add an amendment to provide that all CRT items be available as a purchase or with a purchase option. They have committed to doing this.
In the meantime, it is important that we track and report any problems consumers are having accessing these items. The various consumer groups will be doing likewise. Please share those details with me at [email protected] as they arise and encourage consumers to contact their Members of Congress.
This is a vivid example of the lack of recognition and protection being given to specialized equipment and why our CRT legislation is needed. All CRT stakeholders need to continue to rally Congress and get them to weigh in and stop the dismantling of access to individually-configured equipment that people with disabilities rely on.
We will keep you posted on further developments.
- Don
Donald E. Clayback
Executive Director NCART
716-839-9728 (office) | 716-913-4754 (cell)
[email protected] |
Release Date: 02-Apr-2014
April 2, 2014 by NCART